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Commercial/Corporate Video

We visualise your story! We helps to create your corporate video, Commercial Advertisement, Pre-event video, Animation video, Personal stories and etc.

2021 Samsung S21FE Skit TVC
VIVO Y775G -skateboard TVC
【Nefful International 50th Anniversary Celebration 2023 | 妮芙露國際50週年誌慶 2023】

【Nefful International 50th Anniversary Celebration 2023 | 妮芙露國際50週年誌慶 2023】

Tsao Lung Han Lifetime International Chief Honorary Advisor | 曹瓏瀚 終身國際首席名譽顧問 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- He has consistently ranked first in the national sales challenges for 10 consecutive years. For an impressive 22 years in a row, he has earned the prestigious title of “Nefful Executive Top Leader.” Since 2002, Nefful International has bestowed upon him the distinguished title of “International Chief Honorary Advisor” for 14 consecutive years. He has led his team for many, expanding the business and making unparalleled contributions. To honor his extraordinary accomplishments, the Company granted him the highest distinction of “Lifetime International Chief Honorary Advisor” in 2017 as a mark of reverence. Tsao Lung Han Lifetime International Chief Honorary Advisor’s unwavering belief in “helping all individuals achieve wealth and lead a health, fulfilling life” remains at core of his values. His compassionate and supportive nature exemplifies the pinnacle of success within Nefful International’s global enterprise. 他曾經締造連續10年蟬聯全國業績競賽第一名的成績; 更連續22年榮獲「超級領袖」聘階; 2002年起,連續14年獲頒妮芙露『國際首席名譽顧問』頭銜。 他長年帶領著夥伴開疆闢土,拓展事業,貢獻無與倫比, 為表彰他的無比成就,公司特於2017年頒以『終身國際首席名譽顧問』最高榮銜,以表示尊崇。 瓏瀚首席一貫秉持著: 「幫助全人類成功致富,擁有健康美好的人生」。 其所傳遞關愛與助人之心,正是妮芙露國際全球事業最佳的成功典範。
2021Nefful Fashion Show

Documentary Film

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